Thursday 23 June 2011

And so it begins.

I have a copy of the Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Poems which I purchased this past Christmas as a gift to myself. I have intended to start reading it ever since, but between finishing school, shifts at work, and a general overwhelming sense of laziness-meets-constantly-distacted, I've yet to flip open the front cover.

So rather than convincing myself that I will "eventually" find time to read through all 842 pages of this collection, I'm going to make time to do so.

As a way to push myself to keep up with it, I'm going to post everyday (or at least weekly) after I read a piece. Hence, this blog is called "Poe A Day". A list of what you may be able to expect (or not expect) from the blog posts:
  • what piece reminded me of
  • my interpretation of what was written
  • what it meant to me
  • how I felt the words reflected some truth in my day-to-day life
  • some kind of a photo (inspired or related)
  • how I would respond
  • writing inspired by the poem/story/etc
  • simple, generic thoughts and feelings about what I read
  • questions I had about the writing
  • questions that I had after the writing
Each post will, hopefully, contain the day and the title of the piece in its post title so that you'll be able to see what I'm referencing or referring to.

There are 73 stories and 51 poems. 124 readings in total.
Here's hoping that in a little more than four months, I can say that I've completed the entire collection.

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